So, it's now the point in my adventure where I only have 7 days left in the United States. I have no idea where the time has gone and it became very real last week when I received my plane ticket. I stopped working last week so I had time to get everything ready for my trip. Every day closer to when I leave. Et more excited and nervous and anxious. I am ready and excited for the next chapter of my life and I am ready for he change of pace and life. I am going to miss my friends and family terrible but that's why someone invented email and Skype and FaceTime.
Yesterday we had my going away party. It was such a wonderful time, I had so many people who I care about show up and it really meant a lot to me to see so many great friends and family. There must of been 4 people who came in and out all afternoon. I felt like I was running around with a chicken with my head cut off trying to see everyone and spend time with everyone. I got to see people from when I worked in Manchester, friends from college, friends from the bank, family, people from everywhere. In the end the food was delicious the company was wonderful and it was bittersweet seeing them all again for he last time in awhile.
Also this past weeks got pictures of my new apartment which are stunning. I can't believe that I get to live there. It's going to be so much decorating that place.

Well I think this going to wrap up my posts from the U.S but I will update from Kuwait wish me luck!!!!
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